A Musing On Muses

Free Verse

Breathe & Be Still
Dec 19, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

What is one to do when the muse becomes
nothing more than an illusion?
Were I to give up my grip
on this fantasy
shall I continue to exist
or might I rise to the truth
of my insignificance?

How real am I without your reflecting glance?
That all of me kinda person I want to be — I’m afraid — will cascade into obscurity without your affirming gaze.

What’s it really matter though
when all you see is you and I see me?

a mere collision of false realities

Aren’t we to own the mirrors of our mothers
eventually? What might it be like
to step beyond this frame and just be?

Breathe & Be Still ©2022

Photo Credit | Author

Thank you Franco Amati for hosting these words (and photos) on Scuzzbucket.

