
Published in
Feb 8, 2024

Every story that is being written has already been told
It is impossible to be original with all the great dead artists who have already been original on our behalf
Even as I am writing this, this story of frustration and disappointment, this story has already been told
It has been expressed a thousand different ways
Because like me a thousand different people got frustrated and anxious over the fact that are stories are unoriginal
Life is unoriginal and yet every life is original
How is it that with the billions of people who have ever lived keep recycling the same stories?
Do we not know how to create something unique?
Are we ourselves really not that unique and therefore recycle what we know?
Or are we too afraid to tell our truth because the idea of being unique, different, scares us?




I am a young adult who works out the problems of life through writing. Instagram @mod_2406