As The Days Spin And Whine

Iva Hotko
Published in
Sep 25, 2022


Free verse

Image by the author

As the days spin and whine,
dawn turns to night -
mellow but cold
memories scar the soul.

A sip of oblivion
to save the heart -
never so needed
madness, keeping us alive.

Watch with your eyes closed,
think but do not talk.
All that you are -
forever ash, under the stars.

Slow, and yet fast,
keeping the time,
severing day and night —
the clock’s lullaby.

Pushing ahead
while looking back —
memories tearing
the heart apart.

~ Iva



Iva Hotko

Walking contradiction of sense and sensibility. Literature, art, philosophy, gardening, nature,hiking and photography 🦋