Beware Of What You Get Used To

Responsible and free

Anthi Psomiadou


The mask for COVID
over the “mask” of your persona
over your face
over the real you.
— Too much masquerading —
Micro-expressions of lips, nose,
cheeks and jaw are covered up.
Sunglasses make the situation
even more complicated.
— Are you at least easily recognizable
by those who know you? —
Too much non-verbal
communication wasted,
remaining unseen.
Messages have obstacles
to overcome; plus each one’s “filters”.
— Do you really interact? —
You still have the rest of the body language,
and words. But the body is “shrunk”
if you’re afraid of COVID too much;
as if muscles lose their flexibility.
The movement becomes more hesitant.
Your thinking, too.
— Where is that “you” you once (thought you) knew? —
Beware of the fear-virus.
It’s deadly as well.
Don’t underestimate conditions.
Don’t overestimate them either.
Whatever you do, observe your fear.
It mustn’t be the boss.
When circumstances demand
that you wear a mask, do your duty,
but DO NOT forget how this mask looks like.
Symbolism is everywhere.
A mask — even when branded,
decorated, or colored,
even when necessary — ,
is still like a gag.
So, wear it, but do not get used
to it as if something natural, as a part of yours.
Being gagged is not your natural condition.
You are free. Responsible, and free.



Anthi Psomiadou

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)