Big Steps

Masha Zubareva
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2023
Photo by Masha Zubareva

One step,
two, three, four,
another step…

I breathe in
the evening mercy,
the crisp mountain air
absolving the fervour of the day.

My greedy eyes
swallow the colour of departure –
nostalgic dirty lilac –
so familiar, so new,
after the hyped-up
pink drop of the sun.

The scents of wet grass and
night-blooming jasmine
weave into the fading light
that’s unwilling to leave,
regretting the brevity
of its existence.

My senses devour every pixel
of this usual picture,
every whisper of drowsy leaves
teased by the silly wind.

The cacophony
of thoughts in my head
is on mute.
I wonder why so often
I remain blind
to this beauty of simplicity –
gentle, undemanding,
present yet subtle.

A deep inhale
to tattoo this elusive elegance
on the canvas of my memory,
labeling it
in purple ink.

A step, another step…
My elastic frame
and weightless mind
float into the dark blue
dusk oblivion.

© Masha Zubareva 2023

Big thank you Franco Amati and Scuzzbucket for publishing my piece!

