Alone and Not Alone

Flames always go upwards

Anthi Psomiadou


A lying body.
Face upwards.
The lifted back forms a curve.
Heart and solar plexus are attracted by the sky;
a bridge for the energy waves to pass by,
again and again,
around the body,
caressing the navel,
going upper and lower,
embracing this soul and its vessel,
from head to toe.

You and I, my Self.

Left hand holds the bed sheet tight,
in this moment of self-pleasuring
that goes beyond just earthly instincts' satisfaction.
Right hand directed straightly by the conductor,
knowing the frequency, the “where”, the “how” to touch.

Nous, mind, and brain make love;
images not only from this world.
Faces are mixed with
meanings, waves, energies
that meet each other
in an uplifting commingling
that makes the body lighter and lighter.



Anthi Psomiadou

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)