Born to blame?

Mescaline Brisset
1 min readMay 6, 2022


No. Born to make history!

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Bad deeds done on me
Resulted in omitting many things
Through my twisted and tangled brain coils
Not used to listening only
What did I do wrong
Cause it felt like I went off at half-cock
Starting with my name, address, physiognomy
Origin, theories, upbringing
As if everything I was aiming for
Or everything I dreamed of
Became as black as night
In the eyes, mouths, and minds
Of other people
Not aligned with their goals
But what am I supposed to do
If no one matters to me
Only ideas that I create and stick to?
What if they all live up to different values
That the ones cherished by me
Which I had to invent to survive
Amongst monsters
Who deprive me of the most precious gift I have –
Life on my own terms?

