Boys Will Be Boys…

Poem by MoonyThinker

Moony Thinker
2 min readJul 22, 2023


Porcelan doll face that is cracked and looking down and with the closed mouth, looking scared.
(Photo by Aimee Vogelsang on Unsplash)

— Poem —

Boys will be boys…
Always and the same;
They are just boys
Being boys.

They are rough,
They tumble,
They fight,
They beat up.

One another
Or just one
From another.
Boys being boys.

A rock to the head,
A pillow suffocating the face;
A beating just for asking for help…
And another beating just for moving.

Boys will be boys…
That’s all it is,
That is all it was.
Just memories now.

Of —

Boys being boys;
They are just boys
Being boys.
No big deal, really.

But really —

You allowed this,
You watched this,
You helped this,
Over and over again.

A boy trying to be
A boy; a fragile one who
Hardened over time
To protect what was still inside.

Which, never broke
And now it comes out,
Here in in these letters —
Now it will all come out.

Boys will be boys,
And this boy —
Oh boy!
Is going to beat these keys!

— The Why —

“Boys Will Be Boys…” is a reflection of my past. It outlines what it was like for me to grow up in a very abusive household. It was traumatic and it was awful. I look back without any nostalgic appreciation for the family I grew up with. The only past memories I remember with any appreciation were those when I was alone doing my own thing since anything done with others was… well… you read it.

However, if I may share one piece of advice with you all it is this: do not let your past dictate who you become in the future. Your abuse does not need to be directed outward on those you later come into close contact with. Be stronger than the weakness displayed by those you met along the path early on.

Don’t be what they were; be what they should have been.

Be well, my friends.

— MT

— Music Tea —

This poems recommended music tea is:

Title: Passive

By: A Perfect Circle




Moony Thinker

Writing something, somewhere, lost in some thought, figuring things out, and purposefully flaky. I don't do conformity or expectations; so keep them low.