broken down merry-go-round

Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Faruk Tokluoğlu on Pexels

life is a fucking mess sometimes
a broken down merry-go-round
the sound is all busted
and the horses are all fake
your seat isn’t so comfortable
the ups and downs are all scripted
and the person ahead of you
is as stuck as the person behind…
I’m starting to wonder
if balance is really the key
or if it’s the pursuit of extremes
that somehow works better
for a person like me…
I heard that to get what you want
you’ve got to do what no one else
is willing to do — that there’s no traffic
on the extra mile,
or some bullshit phrase like that —
I don’t know…
because eight hours, nine — ten hours
a day sitting in one single place
might sound perfectly logical
to one person and like utter madness
to another — which one is seeing
with clarity and which one is not?
and how do I take it
when I’m being prescribed
a certain course of action
that’s intended to equalize me
but yet every cell in my body
is screaming NO, this isn’t fair,
this isn’t the way it should be!
what do you do?
who do you listen to?
the rules of society?
your body?
your own flawed instincts?
other people?
and if so, which ones?
the strangers…
the ones who love you…
the ones who’ve been there before?
is there even a difference?
yeah, life is a fucking mess
and the merry-go-round can
drive even the strongest people insane
so don’t stare in that funhouse
mirror too long
NEVER close your eyes
and don’t forget,
it’s a damn…



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit or buy me a coffee at