bumblebees / ice

Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Plato Terentev on Pexels

someone once told me
bumblebees don’t sting
but why is it that
I don’t believe them?
I hear the buzzing, and
as cute as they are,
I still flip out a little
and scatter at the sight
of them, floating around,
hovering, minding
their own business…
I guess I’m the kind of person
that if you told me something
won’t hurt me, I’m not inclined
to immediately take your word
for it…like if you tell me
it’s all going to be okay, like this
shit is no big deal, these are things
everyone goes through —
that doesn’t really do much for me…
it doesn’t alleviate anything…
you know, I just read this article
saying that scientists have been
getting better at preserving
frozen brain tissue — little organoids
— and then thawing them without
much damage to the cellular walls,
which means we might be getting
closer to the whole mind on ice thing,
life extension, the whole lot, you know,
like the stuff you’ve read about
in science fiction stories…
can you imagine saying, nope,
I don’t wanna live in this society right now,
this world kinda sucks, I’d like to hit
pause on this whole consciousness
thing — go ahead, ice me baby — and wake me
up when it’s better out there!
wouldn’t that be something….
I wonder how long it would take
before we’d all just be popsicles
hoping for a better version of Earth,
holding out for better days



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati