
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2024

well that’s that

looks like I ruined it

all over again

by simply saying

all the things

that hang

in the electric air

pulsing between us


i’m so lovesick

heart broke into

a million pieces

when you said

you loved me

but can’t choose me

because your road

leads to nowhere

and you’ve never decided

on a single thing


feels like heaven

the way you touch me

time stops

wind quits blowing

the gods weep

because they know

just like me

it’s all doomed

and i’ll never be able

to forget it


you’ve killed me

a thousand times

yanked me on your chain

my neck so sore

from the back and forth

and everyone knows

and the feeling grows

that aching hole

where my heart

used to be


I loved your dog

and the rips in your shirt

and the way your arms

wrapped around me

so tightly

like you’re afraid

of letting go

because you know

i’ll run so far away

to where your stare

can never captivate me


make me stay

hold my hand

through all the tears

and all the years

that lie ahead

break me down

tear me apart

love me

until you leave

and take your stupid chain

with you

i’ll just be here

flipping through the past

wondering what went wrong

trying to fix me

while you run away

from fixing yourself.




thoughts on living and loving and the chaos that happens in between.