City of My Dreams

Colin Mortemore
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2024
Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Stars like stepping stones

Leaping from foot to foot

Drips of light dropping down on the darkened bridge below

I feel my chest heaving

Heavy with what I’ve left and am leaving

I see myself climbing glass towers

Opening every door I can

So odd to be so happy

Yet searching in every room

For the moon I’ve looked up to for so long

Consistency in not being alone

On my own

Or with myself

Yearning for the touch of moonlight

Beaming down on me and my heart

It’s my part to play

Cherishing this time

Never to rewind the clock

Because I know the alarm is about to go off

It feels at times like I’m just waiting

Biding my time

Biting my tongue

Cracked lips and dried tears being swept away on the river of fears

Watching them go

As I’ve found my flow

But know that this rhythm wants another melody

A tune I’ve not heard in awhile

One that sings to me

In the city of my dreams



Colin Mortemore

The only way I make sense of my world is through poetry.