Prose Poetry

Co-Authored Species

The mosaic canvas of human consciousness

Breathe & Be Still


Photo Credit | Author

I pull pine needles from my skin each night prior to bed. My father’s silence etched in my head — still convinced humans lineage comes from him — better to ward off the dead than risk livin’ (I think to myself).

Sometimes you need to go far from the world to shed old skin. to be born again. not to some messiah but from center within — to find out who you want to reach toward in the dark — who comes forth when the hardened wall of righteousness departs — to ask oneself, is it truly death I seek or is it a means to mend this anguished heart?

It takes so much effort to clench these fists around hate when love defies gravity, flowing upward to cool the heat. You’ve told yourself a lot of things but you cannot mastermind reality. We are a co-created, co-authored species.

Breathe & Be Still ©2024

