
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2024

I think every child loves the cold.
Cold means snow days and puffy coats that are too big.
It’s hot chocolate made with a mother’s love and a fluffy blanket that you can hide under.
Cold is playing outside till you no longer feel your nose or smell the air.
Cold means comfy pajama’s under a big coat and giant boots so that you can explore the snow.
For children the cold is a gift from God, a gift that they take full advantage of.

As people grow older it is more likely that the cold turns to a burden.
Cold becomes expensive and time consuming.
You have to shovel the driveway and warm the house.
Cold becomes something you feel deep down in your bones, something that makes you ache for days.
Cold means buying expensive coats and walking to work in the snow.
Why can’t the cold be something magical?
Why does the cold change?
I suppose it means that even the weather can’t get away from time.
At least the clouds will feel knee pain too.
Why is the gift of cold become the burden of snow and ice?




I am a young adult who works out the problems of life through writing. Instagram @mod_2406