
Soumyashree Thapa
Published in
Jun 9, 2024
Photo by Dameli Zhantas on Unsplash

I’ve burnt your letters and deleted our pictures

I’ve severed that final cord.

I have shed tears, not for you but for myself

For letting you take my heart as you left.

The nights that I have spent-

Aching, reminiscing and grieving;

We didn’t work, but that’s okay

That’s the way it was meant to be.

My heart bears no love for you

Neither does it bear any bitterness or hatred.

It has created space for something else-

A new life — one that I shall live for myself.

So my love, this is the part where I let you go.

I am free now

I can thrive


With this poem, I complete my series:

Loving and Leaving : The Chapter

5 stories

Feel free to browse through my other pieces from the series!

