Utilizing Backwash

In the aftermath of my present life-cycle

Anthi Psomiadou


Photo by Quasi Misha on Unsplash

So, if I die in a few minutes,
if the beef steak I eat gets stuck in my throat,
what will the “backwash” of me reveal?
What will my stuff show tomorrow?
The research is always revealing.
Relatives search and explore like investigators.
They’ll swim in all my lakes
and they’ll discover all my gators.
Strange, beautiful, mystical, maybe shocking.
An opportunity to see the other side
of the beloved one’s persona;
what appeared and what they were hiding.
Walking through the wall,
seeing their private self.
Finding contradictions,
like in those photo games;
“Spot the differences between the 2 images”.
The public self, the private self.
Did you expect everything you found?
Is she a surprise after her death?
My manuscripts, my notes of flash thoughts,
confessions I wrote and didn’t send,
a sex-toy, strange books, the atmospheric me in the room;
“I thought she…” kneels and stays silent.
They think they wholly know, though they don’t.
They are just differently positioned projectors,
interpreting data from their viewpoint;
filters made by dissimilar path creators.
But conclusions about me won’t matter,
dear investigator.
The point of the research
lies within your realizations;
about yourself, your perception, your truth,
while (you think) you dig in me
though you seek for yourself
and the know-how of the Cosmic functionality.
I’ll watch from the…



Anthi Psomiadou

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)