different kinds of strength

Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Photo by Sam J on Pexels

leave these skilled thinkers
to their own devices, I say —
leave them to their talents…
there are different kinds of strengths,
so why do we value certain kinds
while we diminish others?
being able to put up with a ton
of shit and keep moving forward,
that’s its own kind of aptitude —
that’s its own kind of strength…
you can work and become
stronger at things, you can
improve yourself at any time,
at any stage, but don’t fret,
don’t let the world tell you
how you don’t measure up…
the people out there,
they only pay attention to
a few types of skills,
they only value certain
kinds of intelligence,
certain kinds of force,
but don’t let anyone tell
you how weak you are…
everyone deserves more
than making the best
out of a bad situation,
how bout actually giving
a damn, and telling people
they can have a good situation…
life isn’t about settling
for the tolerable…
but I know, some people
just aren’t in a place
to fight for something different,
maybe their current state
of affairs is too stifling,
too enfeebling…
how bout you hover
over the truth a little bit,
and pay closer attention
to what is going on
I don’t want to disintegrate
and neither do you,
but there’s an absurdity
to the way life is now
that I think is lost on
a lot of people —
listen, they will do all
they can to nullify you
so, don’t let that happen



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati