Dogs of Madrid

Anna Krasko
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2023
Photo by Manuel Fedele on Unsplash

In the Ambassadors park — different spaces to be:
To sit tight and quiet or hang around, unbound,
Maybe catch your breath in the shade.
At the basketball court — excitement like a razor blade,
Body heat, thrust upwards and when they score -
A round of applause and a loud roar.

Seeking unity and balance with the ball,
unity and balance with your team,
unity and balance with the whole huma-ni-ty…

There is also space for dogs, so cool to watch.
One playground for small dogs, one for the “grandes”.
Dogs-locals run to the right entrance on their own accord
And wait patiently for their human companion to open the latch.

Here is a smudgy-white hairy ball at the gate.
And someone greets her: Hola perrito, como estas?
I imagine the doggie smiles, amigos here, it’s worth the wait.

Then comes a black giant, definitely “grande”, muscles gleam,
Once inside, regulations dropped,
Wag the tail like crazy and join the running team.

Then comes a tall lad and a graceful Afghan hound,
I am touched to witness their communication.
The guy explains something elaborately and with patience,
The dog seems still in doubt,
stops in her tracks
Like a new kid in the playground.

Dogs of Madrid, they seem at ease,
Friendly, happy, perhaps; in the street, in the park…
Seeking unity and balance
With one other and definitely with us.

Anna Krasko 2023

It must be pure coincidence, but all characters described here are based on real dogs and people observed in one of the neighborhood parks of the Spanish capital. :)

Thanks for reading!



Anna Krasko

An Earth Ambassador, a "child who survived", the one who talks to trees, cats and other Omniverses, a bridge-builder and a host of