endless yellow

Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Peter Fazekas on Pexels

have you ever had so little free time
that when you finally get a sliver of it
you literally have no idea what to do
because there isn’t actually enough time
to do anything particularly meaningful
like, a Saturday doesn’t contain enough day
to fit the entirety of the life you want…
see, I think there’s something that happens
to a brain on the run, when the body is
always in motion, when the light is always
green and it’s go-go-go, and life becomes
and endless show of constant doing — so when
that light turns even the slightest shade
of yellow, you begin to feel uncomfortable,
unsettled, and you start to think, well, surely
this yellow light won’t last long, yellow lights
never last — the time to be slow is always
exceedingly brief — how can I really put
the brakes on, really do something that’s free…
because the chill, it’s only going to end shortly,
and then it’s time for the frenzy once again…
ugh, I want a whole road of yellow lights —
I want endless yellow!
I can be myself in yellow
I can discover myself in yellow
I can make things up in that
when people can breathe
when people can look at squirrels and birds
and roses, when people can actually pay attention
to the lyrics on the radio, when they can sit down
and tell stories, and read books and drink caffeinated
beverages because they taste good and not because
you need the chemicals inside — you can make up games…



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati