
Aswathi Ashok
Published in
Sep 27, 2023
Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

I walked along the line,
stood by the gate’s entrance,
craving your arrival, patient,
keys clutched close to my heart

you came, took those keys,
but urged me to linger,
then vanished within,
leaving me cradled by faith

through the heat and snow,
I sensed the passing seasons,
each time you whispered, "just a bit more,"
"not today, return tomorrow"

so yes, I walked along that line,
neither fully in nor out,
time etched lines around my eyes,
hands quivered like in winter's cold

one day, I chose to turn away,
as I strode beyond that gate,
I found my path to freedom

you never know what's more agonizing than love,
it's the torment of half-hearted affection

I realized the seasons had shaped me,
from yearning to self-discovery,
in that moment of letting go!

©️ Aswathi Ashok, 2023. All rights reserved.



Aswathi Ashok

An adventurous soul, a poetess, and a captivating work in progress. 🌟📝✨