Heartbreak Hugs.

Colin Mortemore
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2024
Photo by Thiago Barletta on Unsplash

A dimly lit drive home on the high of relief.

Sobbing through the streets.

Feeling the relief of escape.

Trudged through every little bit of toxicity.

Perpetually anxious for years,

For being the anchor, bearing the brunt,

Of what was never mine to hold.

I called you. You immediately answered.

Understood even through my sobs,

Through my heartbreak,

The bobs of my head,

You heeded my warning,

That I wasn’t okay.

But you knew exactly what I needed.

Your hug.

A heartbreak hug.

A moment of home that I had forgotten.

The feeling of safety I left rotten.

I had changed so much in just 2 years,

2 of the hardest years of my life.

Simply because of one person I couldn’t leave.

Someone I couldn’t even breathe around.

Someone that choked me with mere words.

And someone that left scars and burns.

And then it was all over.

One heartbreak hug was what I needed.

Your heart was what I got.

The love of my bestfriend.

Someone who has always understood me,

and always will until the end.

I cannot thank you enough for being there for me.

From the moment you felt something was off in high school,

To the moment you welcomed me back to our city.

It will always be a relief,

To see the hello in your eyes,

And hear the presence in your voice.

To be able to share this life,

With you as family,

And friend,

I will love you until the end.

My bestfriend.



Colin Mortemore

The only way I make sense of my world is through poetry.