how to disappear: the end

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024

disappearing act

legend has it you’ve been locked in your own mind since you were 12
people used to travel from all over just to watch you drown in it
the most stunning attraction
for those too scared to look in the mirror
tickets, tickets, get your tickets to the show
this little girl is nutso, just watch her crazy grow
and the crowd laughed in sync
and the popcorn spilled on the floor
and even when the tent fell on your head
you bet your ass the show would go on.


even now,
you smell the dust from when you traveled town to town
you hear the voices yelling all around
“hey freak” “psycho” “nutcase”
you’d think little boys would get more creative
but they learned the same phrases from the grown boys who raised them
didn’t matter how many tears you shed under the big looming moon
left out in the cold when ticket sales were down
sold you body to the show,
but your twisted mind you kept your own.


hurt people hurt people, ain’t that the truth
you escaped and offed them one by one
what a feeling to finally cut loose
oh, what a feeling to lie awake alone
your body worn and torn to shreds
your heart whittled down to bone
but somewhere the love’s still there
you feel it like a phantom limb
energy cannot be created or destroyed,
it only finds another form
so when the time comes to commit,
you mistake murder for a relationship
and life looks so beautiful with these red-colored glasses on.


it’s so hilarious going to the circus
can’t believe they all enjoy this
I show up late with my bags full of hate
and blow up the show and the crowds row by row
and when I see all the lights go out,
it feels so amazing to be watching them now
seeing the insanity lit up in flames…
damn, maybe I kinda miss the fame.


but it’s the last act in my lonely, lonely show
only now there’s no audience
there’s no one in the stands
I hear claps from no hands
and I have no other plans
no one is waiting for an autograph or picture
and even if they took one
i’d only fade away
i’d disappear.




thoughts on living and loving and the chaos that happens in between.