How to dysfunctionalise a family

Snehal Saju
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2023

A list

Photo by Evan Fitzer on Unsplash

Embrace silence. Let her lay your head on her cold shoulders.
Speak but do not talk.
Look but do not see.
Let misunderstanding take his seat.
Listen but do not hear.
Exist and do not live.
Play the TV when her lips move around her the air.
Cry and pretend she was the reason for on you, the world’s nasty glares.
Shut your eyes not but whine of lost slumber.
Pretend hunger is your unwelcomed guest and walk out of the kitchen.
Let your eyes twinkle as she feeds on the leftovers. Now, break a plate for she left your dinner unattended.
Pretend goodbyes don’t exist. Walk out like she was never family.
Kisses? Of them, we do not name.
Hugs? Oh, are there in this world any more cruel snares?
Languages of love, you shall not speak in.
Oh, God forbid, to her, your tongue shall never tremble in.

Let’s call us, the model family.
Let’s build foundation of theatres national.
Narcissism shall be your footstool and ego your armchair.
There, you have successfully thrown your family into dysfunctional’s fire in hell.

