Human as Medium

a poem

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera
Mar 23, 2021


Composite image of a crowd, ceramic inlay and dark clouds, the palette is black and gray with hints of dark blue.
image by author — using this photo by thinkrorbot

Belief as a medium
sculpting human behavior
Skinner, Pavlov and more…
catalyzing fictitious rapture
infinitely programmable
by nefarious instigation
or maybe just boredom
grenade of sour mirth
unable to coalesce
driving it into a ditch
I am so unimpressed
with you mini-Caligulas and wannabe Caesars
this is the best you can do?

Weaponry as crowd-sourced incitement
human game pieces
the new theater of engagement
proxy wars through proles
an utter lack of imagination
you make us behave
like the animals that we are.

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera 2021

