I hate the society

A civilization where everyone is wearing a mask

Shuvranil Sanyal


Photo by Himmel S on Unsplash

I used to feel like I belonged in society because it was like a song, a chorus of things we all did together. People smiled at each other and reached out, promising to understand and bond. As a child, I was naive and trusted the love in their eyes. But that heat, like the sun in the desert, burned everything it touched. Success, which was just a shimmering dream, became their only god. In their never-ending quest, they stepped on humanity, which was the fertile ground beneath their feet.

A friend who was once a buddy became a stranger one day because they were so focused on beating a coworker that they forgot to be a friend. Laughter quickly turned into jabs, and competition took the place of real care. This change happened over and over again, and each time it made my trust weaker. Now, every encounter feels like walking through a minefield, and every smile could set off a bomb.

Because of these betrayals, I have scars that are now part of who I am, a cold person. I want a simpler life, a world where the sky is painted with wonder instead of dollar signs when the sun rises. I dream of getting away from this fake rat race and finding peace in the wind whispering through old trees. But life, which is a harsh teacher, holds me back. In order to get food, housing, and even a modicum of comfort, you have to participate in this system, which I hate.

So, here I am, stuck in this paradox: my soul longs for the woods but is tied to the market. Maybe one day there will be a revolution that changes this landscape and makes a new path where kindness rules and success is judged by how kind you are. Until then, I walk this tightrope, always on guard, always a little broken, but with a tiny bit of hope that the love in a stranger’s eyes might once again hold the key to real connection.

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2024



Shuvranil Sanyal

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller