I Have Too Many Writing Projects

to focus on one

A. N. Tipton


Image by Chen from Pixabay

I swear I think I have writing ADHD. Is that a thing? I think it’s a thing. So many ideas, so little time…or discipline. I mean I fancy myself a writer, an author, dare I say a creator of worlds or words. Take your pick.

I have two complete rough draft manuscripts. One will NEVER see the light of day, as I call it my starter manuscript. The one that I was introduced to as a young’un and divorced at its infancy of a writer relationship…with myself. Inexperienced in the ways of truly knowing myself, how to communicate and clichéd phrases. The romance petered out…like cold ashes of a once passionate fire.

The other one is a complete first draft, but really, it’s more like a first draft compiled of seven drafts, hodgepodged (is that a word?) together from about seven years of writing, rewriting, changing plot, creating and molding characters until it was created into a Frankenstein like story of old and new. After having some beta readers, and some “come to Jesus” feedback, I concluded that it was a lot of work to rework, accompanied with a healthy dose of discouragement. I mean it was one hundred and forty thousand words. Eh, I might still do something with it. Maybe. Probably not.

Should I mention the five partial novels that have been meticulously mapped out (kind of) filled with all…



A. N. Tipton

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.