I still dream of you at 4.48

Stories of my nights

Alina Sileanu
Mar 15, 2021


Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

I think I just woke up
from someone else’s nightmare,
opened my eyes to find my own
talking about the weather
with the youngest sister
of my terror,
making polite chit chat
while they both sit there and wait
for 4.48.

Smiling random despair
in my direction
they hold hands and whisper
an old and almost rotten
white noise lullaby.
So nice of the two of them
to make sure I’m entertained
while all of us now wait
for 4.48.

That’s great of you to join us
after your usual night walk
hand in hand with my anxiety.
My love, no need to fear!
It’s only me, my nightmare
and my child terror here.
Let’s all now sew our eyes shut
while we rest, dream and wait
For 4.48.

Alina Sileanu



Alina Sileanu

I’m no poet. This is an attempt to write her out of me.