I still miss you in tides

Do you think of me too?

Helen L
2 min readJul 20, 2024


Photo by Jack Taylor on Unsplash

I was lost at sea

For months
On end
I was engulfed
By the storm

I swallowed only

Losing you was
Nothing if not turbulent

But over time I
learned to ride
The waves

Of waking up without you
And not knowing who to call
And the complete oxymoron
Of wanting to both shred and safeguard
Each memory

Until eventually one day
I reached
Still waters

I wake up to sunrises
And silence is my friend
And I don’t long for you anymore
On cold nights

But once in a while
When I stumble
Upon old photographs
Of us

The moon will tug
On my heartstrings and

I can still feel
The tides and

It catapults me back

To the way
You traced hearts
With our names in them
On the fogged up glass windows
Of our 8th floor apartment

And the way your mom and I
Would laugh
At your baby photos
And wonder if our kids
Would look like you

And I know there’s no going back now
We’re sailing in different oceans
And you’re no longer
My compass

But I do wonder
When the sky is clear and
The moon is full
Do you ever feel the tides?
Do you think of me too?




Helen L

Writer | Poet | Reader | Daydreamer | A compilation of my unspoken ponderings