I, The Athiest

A poem

Kera Hollow


Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

I, the atheist

am so glad you’ve found a God to hold,


believe it very noble, to love so blindly

to have that thing called faith,

a magical thing created inside you

something to caress that thing you call a soul.

I, the agnostic

have never conceived, such a vibrant burden,

laid at your feet, a gift from your caregivers,

at your disposal, for your heavy love,

I am so happy for you.

But I,

am left here, a mere disposable, human being

singing my lonely prayers,

against this unnatural pink sky,

to ears, invisible, and to arms unholding,

while you seem so sure,

so in tune with the vibration of your god's lips

as their words fill you and keep you whole.

But I, the atheist,

have found joy, in the silly little things,

liquid from a can, smoke from a leaf,

the kindness of a lover or a friend,

the love of other mere human beings.

And it’s all here for me,

the mere disposable human being.



Kera Hollow

Hi everyone! I'm an author and poet. I'm currently in the process of writing my debut novel ~ ☆ You can support me on Ko-Fi here: https://ko-fi.com/kerahollow