imagined futures
it’s funny how your future changes
and you’re the last to find out about it
is fate so delicate that it must hinge
on everyone else’s decision but yours?
I ask around, I say, why are you all
so focused on the uncertainty?
we get stuck on the variables
when the constants matter more…
I still believe I can direct the course,
but maybe in a different way…
I might have to think outside the box…
true, you were born to be unique
you pride yourself on massive creativity
— so don’t just sit there…
the bed has an impression of you
etched in sweat, and those dreams
that swirl around inside your head
well, they will get sucked right out
if you aren’t careful…
we all have a tendency to get a little
obsessed with the idea of watching
a playback of our own dreams
on screens like television…
what does it all mean?
are those hopes, fears,
or fragments of forgotten memories
it comes down to this:
if you know exactly what you want to do
then no one can stop you!
it’s those minor bits of uncertainty
that tend to make life a little murky
but take comfort, take solace
the present will look after itself
but it is our duty to realize the future
with our imagination