
Zahra Ali
Published in
Sep 6, 2021

Real-life experience

Photo by Sam Jean from Pexels

He called me a liar.

My mom confronted him.

He said I was making up stories.

He beat me up with a heavy long stick on my head.

Up until my head would be covered in swollen bumps.

Every day was a nightmare for me for years.

Listen to your kids, all you parents out there.

Domestic abuse is real.

The last time this happened to me was decades ago, but it still haunts me.

I am still affected by the impact to some extent.

Children deserve to be heard and trusted.

Ultimately, they are a gift to be cherished.

And PLEASE, put those words “I dont think he/she will ever do that” to the side.

Sometimes the innocent-looking ones do the most unexpected things.

