
Jade Hadfield
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2022
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

He tells me I am beautiful,
but I’m not inclined to believe,
when weighty bags underline the eyes
that he says sparkle in the night,
a purple hue on pallid skin,
sagging, sad and tired.

And though porcelain is the skin he kisses,
it is scuffed by red, my spots of sin,
from where self-care took the backseat,
those scars that forever linger,
where the lipstick won’t look pretty
until the whole canvas is painted,
obscured, hidden secrets,
only a fools touch away.

And as his arms encircle my waist,
I can only feel his hands,
those gentle fingers resting
atop the figure I could not save,
once praised, until indulgence
triumphed strictness,
and the proof of the pudding
never sits quite where you wish it would.

Nor the legs he praises,
no sir, they are not statuesque or trim,
they are a nuisance, forever transforming
from once soft to a beastly burden,
the moon takes quite its toll,
ticking by each day until
a razors touch becomes imperative,
a razors burn stings, calling forth
blood beads, these practised hands
still carving mistakes.

He tells me I am beautiful,
but I am not inclined to believe,
not in this natural state,
not in the way life has left its mark;
I am forever in progress, battling
against what’s intended,
for a few hours of ignorance,
never blissful.

Thank you for reading.

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Jade Hadfield

Morbid and weird. Writing about the bizarreness of the world and my struggles with chronic illness. Check out my other media: