Invisible Trap

A poem through the camera’s lens

Breathe & Be Still
4 min readDec 28, 2023


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Where do we go when it’s all been lost?

Should we even enter the mausoleum of this next thought?
Observe the ashes of some make-shift pyre and a disregarded styrofoam cup?

Photo Credit | Author

Why are we so resistant to change?

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We’d rather close in the walls
Reconstruct the beams
Sweep out the remnants of what else could be

Photo Credit | Author

Opting instead for a 2D picture frame. attempt to resurrect the other someones we used to be

Photo Credit | Author

When homesteads harbor hypocrisy and safety cages in the threat of permanence it’s time to blow out the door — set your next footsteps ablaze with reams of poetry till your wild wilderness rages on in flames

Photo Credit | Author

Only when the walls are caving in and you’ve become unbeknownst to them — only when the windows scream from inside out and silence beams back a deafening response will you break free from the concrete filling in these cracks and the borders between now and when cease to be an invisible trap

Photo Credit | Author

Breathe & Be Still ©2023

The camera acts as a conduit between the natural environment and my creative voice. The interplay between photos and words is my art language. This poetic journey showcases how I use my photos to procure the words. And this particular backdrop has been my muse for countless poems. It’s a place my soul comes home to time and time again. Thought I’d share the ride this time around. Honored by those of you who came along with me. But for a more traditional read:

Invisible Trap

Photo Credit | Author

Where do we go when it’s all been lost?

Should we even enter the mausoleum of this next thought?
Observe the ashes of some make-shift pyre and a disregarded styrofoam cup?

Why are we so resistant to change?

We’d rather close in the walls
Reconstruct the beams
Sweep out the remnants of what else could be

Opting instead for a 2D picture frame. attempt to resurrect the other someones we used to be

When homesteads harbor hypocrisy and safety cages in the threat of permanence it’s time to blow out the door — set your next footsteps ablaze with reams of poetry till your wild wilderness rages on in flames

Only when the walls are caving in and you’ve become unbeknownst to them —only when the windows scream from inside out and silence beams back a deafening response will you break free from the concrete filling in these cracks and the borders between now and when cease to be an invisible trap

Breathe & Be Still ©2023

Just as I was finalizing this piece I came across kasey sparks’s photo narrative. It resonated so much with me in subject matter and form. Felt like we’ve been walking the same creative path — a rarity that I wanted to share. Hope you’ll go along for this ride as well.

Thanks to Franco Amati and Amanda Weir-Gertzog for holding the creative space.

