Photograph by author SAM 2024 — Pathology Museum, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, City of London


le viol

Sally A Mortemore
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2024


a free verse poem

i see you from now unto eternity
the scars of disrespect reflective of your actions
so tell me -
what entitled you to steal me from myself?
existence nothing more than an erotic game
to stray with. a wish. the clock a different numbered
face. a sideways glance. the past. a soulful songstress
ridden ‘gainst the onward track of time -
wry humour hung upon my door
repetitive. displaced
and now -
the rod hard braced betwixt the bones
of my repudiated back — breaks me
yet. still you cannot see.
so tell me -
for i will never understand
why men like you plead innocence
this court -
whose witness for the prosecution
is myself. and judge. and jury. find a spoilt boy -
the ‘me myself and i’ allowing nothing of
empathic thought. just you. and your desires
leaving me
to live with the rape of consequence

