
Published in
1 min readNov 8, 2023
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

you’re a little bit lost, you think.
as you survey your surroundings
you expect unease to swell within,
but you’re still inside your mind, you watch calmly.

you stumble a few more steps,
you’re following your friends,
at least, you think those are your friends.
their words merge together and become meaningless.

they’ve stopped at a park,
you think they want to get on the swings.
you follow them,
your movements feel robotic and the walk takes an hour.

you join them on the swings,
you come to find that the nighttime air feels nice
as the swings lift you towards the night sky and
you tip your head to the stars and you realise it’s a map.

you’re on your back now, on the grass,
you gave your mind to the stars,
their twinkling voices wrap you in stillness,
you’re confident they will lead you home.

you never knew you were missing a peace like this.
perhaps the grass will envelop you,
the ground may be your home.
for a moment, there’s nothing but you and the world.

for a moment, you know for a fact that you belong.




autistic & queer journalism & media student currently based in scotland. i write poems, stories, and about my interests :)