maybe we’re meant to be alone

Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2021


Photo by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash

life tainted with devil’s smile, glee and misfortune
coming for all of us
waiting in the side streets and the gutters
us standing there unexpecting
as always
the light stuck on green
with no amber warning
not a glow in the night reflecting off black metal
no orange haze to warn us
before burnt red sets in
love, a scarlet char
bright heart stained a blackened grey
with the tar and ashes of what once was
small sparks remaining, lingering on the concrete
clamouring to be seen, to be reignited
before being stomped out
by your shoes with the three white stripes
stripes that reflect on the mirror lain on a table
of some stranger’s living room
that i take to endure another year of these shadows
watching myself, not the best way to cope with the pain
but a way of coping all the same

maybe we’re meant to be alone
we could avoid all of this torment
if we fail to embark…

