
Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Plato Terentev on Pexels

the whole thing is mind numbing
so extreme, so intense
it prevents normal thought…
but what is normal thought?
is love a normal thought?
is fear?
I can think of about a dozen
or so profane things that bubbled up
to the surface of my mind today
and not one of which was said aloud
because I’m sure I would have been
laughed out of the room or
might have caused an argument
or who knows what else…
normal thoughts… ha!
we all think abnormal things —
abhorrent things, perverse
and treacherous things, and those
ideas live side-by-side with
all the well-wishes and the noble truths,
the kind intentions we seem
to believe better represent us
as good and moral characters…
it’s only considered awful when
these shitty things are said in public
or acted upon, or employed
as a means to hurt or take advantage
of our conspecifics
what can I say…
think whatever you want to think
there are no thought police here
there are only etiquette police
and they are all around us
we are all etiquette police
and we’re all looking to arrest each other
yet not a single one of us
thinks we deserve the cuffs ourselves



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati