monsters and men

Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024

I want a man

shaken not stirred

who’s been through the ringer

and came out on top

I want a man

with eyes that cry

who’s seen it all

and didn’t blink

and always comes home


I want a man

less like a monster

and more like a hero

who takes the high road

on the roughest path

and doesn’t whine about it

I want a man

who’s been through it all

took it in strides

swallowed his pride

and found calm in the storm


I want a man

who’s known heartaches

and stomach aches

who’s been broke as shit

and couldn’t pay for food

I want a man

who beat the odds

reached rock bottom

and got back up

so tired of failing

that he actually changed


and I want to know

where along the line

I forgot to ask for these things

when did I become so weak

ready and waiting

to trade men for boys

love for lust

infinite for impermanent

myself for a fool


I want to be a woman

who knows right from wrong

sees through the smile

and gets straight to the heart

I want to be a woman

who needs more than a placeholder

who’d rather sleep alone

than bring the wrong one home

I want this for me so greatly

that I will finally let you go

release you with the wind

and give myself space


because I am a person

who loves like I mean it

who pours from empty cups

and never asks for a drop

it’s time to be a person

who eats dinner alone

and finds solace in solitude

and in the night

when all is still

i sing myself lullabies

close my eyes

and want for nothing.




thoughts on living and loving and the chaos that happens in between.