Nights just like this

Aswathi Ashok
Published in
Mar 20, 2024
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

There was nothing more between the moon and Earth,
You, in your most sincere self,
Me, with all my vulnerabilities.

In the silence of our gaze,
You spoke a language
That only I could understand.

Our whispers became the wind,
Carrying desires to the corners of the night sky,
And then we lit the fire in distant stars.

The way we held hands,
The way we looked at each other,
Your strength against my softness—
Each touch a verse, each kiss a line,
Our passion lit up sonnets in the void.

The world was asleep, unaware.

And as dawn’s first light crept
Over the horizon’s sleepy brow,
Our night’s canvas, painted with ardor,
Withered beneath the gaze of the rising sun.

©️Aswathi Ashok, 2024. All rights reserved.



Aswathi Ashok

An adventurous soul, a poetess, and a captivating work in progress. 🌟📝✨