no sense

Nicky Dee
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2022


Photo by asim alnamat

and then it’s gone again
or back again
or whichever way you choose
to see it

although it’s hardly even a choice
is it?

it just kinda creeps up
even though it’s rigorously ignored


it’s all just words, words, words
and they all sound hollow
and meaningless
and beingless

what’s the point even?
you wonder

of trying
to say something
that doesn’t hurt
to make everybody else okay

when it all comes flooding back again
and it’s all you’re really able to say


it fuckin’ hurts, man.

and that’s okay too
because it’s real
at least it’s fuckin’ real

and that’s beautiful
any way it comes and goes
and even if not everybody
knows it


There’s only one place I can be this me in the whole world wide web. Still.

Thanks @scuzzbucket for the depth, the breadth and the spaces in-between to be.

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