Nothing, For No One, For No Reason

Isaac Valdiviezo
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2023

Crudely Contrived, №1 (Poetry)

‘Crepuscular’ | Generated by Isaac Valdiviezo in DALL·E 3; unedited

These days, I write so much,
yet say so


Hardly anything, really. Almost nothing.

Run-on and unfinished sentences that lead to nowhere…
Sloppy paragraphs — not misplaced — but placeless…
A vault of aimless “drafts” left invariably unfinished,
none of which began with any real intention…

Each day, a new rambling is cut short,
usually as soon as I regain the courage to admit
that I’ve spent yet another sleepless night writing —
without knowing what, or to who, or for what reason —
something to remain
and entirely

And just like that,
with each failed attempt at explaining something
about which I couldn’t even write enough to fill a page with,
night after night
I add another layer
to a growing stack of evidence
that proves

just how depressingly


I truly know myself,

or this world,
or anything at all
about anything.

But I can’t stop.



Isaac Valdiviezo

Biology PhD student at University of Florida, Dilettante, Lifelong Writer