Oceans’ Lament

Guardians of the Deep

Andra Writes
2 min readAug 27, 2023


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Beneath the azure expanse, a world unknown,
A realm of wonder where mysteries are sown,
The oceans vast, a canvas so deep,
A tale of sorrow, their currents do weep.

In the heart of waves and the depths below,
A symphony of life, where wonders grow,
Yet, as humanity’s footprint expands,
The oceans’ lament echoes through the sands.

Why, we must ask, must this be the toll,
As plastic islands grow, as waters take a toll?
In pursuit of convenience, and progress untamed,
Have we forsaken the oceans we should have claimed?

Amidst the tides’ ebb and the whales’ song,
Man-made troubles in the currents throng,
A tragic chorus of pollution’s scourge,
The oceans’ guardians now urgently urge.

The coral’s plight, a vivid symphony,
A fading tapestry in the deep blue sea,
The majesty of life, in colors rare,
Now bleached and ghostly, in desolate air.

But in the depths of this somber tale,
A plea emerges, a windswept sail,
To save the oceans, to heed the cry,
To mend the wounds, lest they run dry.

For oceans aren’t just boundaries of land,
They’re life’s cradle, where species stand,
A rich biodiversity, a treasure trove,
A realm that harbors life’s evolution and growth.

Why save the oceans? We must reflect,
Beyond their beauty, what must we protect?
They’re the Earth’s lungs, they breathe and sustain,
Supplying the air we inhale again.

A climate regulator, in every sway,
Absorbing warmth, keeping extremes at bay,
They fuel the weather, the rains, the breeze,
In their depths, solutions to climate’s unease.

But it’s more than that, it’s a moral command,
To nurture the oceans, the heart of the land,
To honor the dance of life they unfold,
For in saving oceans, our own stories are told.

So let’s halt the waste, let’s stem the tide,
And stand as guardians, side by side,
With conscious choices, and united will,
Let’s mend the oceans, and let life fulfill.

In the echo of these verses, may we find,
A calling to save, to leave no life behind,
For in the oceans’ survival, we reclaim our own,
In their depths, a legacy of life is sown.



Andra Writes

I like writing poems (first on paper, then here), as they make me feel good, in this sad world. Support me: https://andrawrites.medium.com/membership