Old Me Haunts
A poem about being haunted by your old self.
Published in
Nov 21, 2023
Words haunting my hardened heart,
a ghostly & ghastly teenage me from the past.
Her black tresses tangling with my subconscious,
her multiple pierces of skin a reminder of trouble.
Rap music. Abandoned houses. Cigarettes & whiskey.
Trouble. Lying. Sneaking. Cheating.
Yelling in rage & deep resentment for those
she should be able to hold near.
People change.
Vines ensnare me, I break.
Bricks & stones a throw away, they’re thrown.
Stone me in bitter disgrace at my past & past mistakes.
You grew, you changed.
Yet the old Michaela
& her deep, honest pain
haunt me again & again.