Poem: Late Morning Bloom

Morgan Lahm
Published in
1 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Giuseppe B. on Unsplash

Late Morning Bloom

The hour blooms
Without a finger there to help

It rises
Without the irresponsible sun

A dancing fuchsia
Opens the sky without permission

It is as gradual as escape
As gradual as a human releasing fireflies from a jar

The air is metallic
And the atmosphere is a gong

The moon is the hammer
That slams into day

Stars sprint away
Planets learn to be athletic

The moon echoes the night
Behind the curtain of dawn

Day emerges in powerful spoons full
Of an irresponsible sun

About: This poem is about the sun not rising as fast as you’d like. It is late, and it needs to rise faster so that it can start the day, but on this particular morning, other elements seem to start the day far before the sun can.

I hope you all enjoy this poem! Have an amazing day/night! ❤

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Morgan Lahm

Self-love | Nature | Poetry | My poetry book is out NOW on Amazon! For more poetry :) : https://medium.com/@morganjlahm/membership