
You just can’t lose it

J.D. Harms


Photo by Ving N on Unsplash

I want to say it is
that keeps the camera lens
always out of the pocket

A fear that grips
the fingers with the same
intensity as the heart
that this needs to stay

Be permanent! Like this!

Faced outside
to grab every mirror it can
till the flash
is the mirror itself

If they are not
here in the reflection
then I was not here
to capture it.

On the tram
I watch people hang
from wooden bars
phones directed out
but still pointed in
somehow driving
back into
the brain the whole
five minute journey
up to the crest
of the hill
then stopped, as always
in the middle of an



J.D. Harms

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.