self aware

Franco Amati
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2023


Photo by Roma Kaiuk on Unsplash

young man reaches out
to touch a sunflower
but an angry, giant
sorta got in the way…
he says, why is it, man,
that we gotta get up
so fucking early every fucking day?
rush to wake, rush to eat,
rush to shit, rush to beg,
and then oh so early
to get back to sleep…
bottlenose dolphin tells the sailor
she’s self aware,
asks him why his people haven’t
returned to the water yet…
not sure, the sailor says,
but I must get on with the fishing
or my family will starve…
Lantern Lady cries out at night
because she feels like she
is going blind—
but she isn’t, it is only
getting dark outside…
why must I be forced to sit
in a cube all day for nine
straight hours until
my eyeballs bleed?
why do idiots get all
the respect?
why do some children
never truly get what they need?
giraffes don’t snuggle
at night on the
couch watching streaming
television — their necks
are much too long for that…
why does everyone ask the
wrong questions?
and no one ever likes you
for what you want to be liked for…
the rhino’s horn is
made of keratin,
and that’s a little different
than the unicorn’s



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit or buy me a coffee at