Shot Into The Open

Devin Sams
Published in
Apr 5, 2023


Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash

a bird

I cannot see

is brighter than snow

as I hear it sing

through the fluff

and continual

falling of everything

out my window.

it is impossible

to give up

with that bird going.

I can’t be so weak

and selfish

sitting indoors,

spooked by the trivialities

of a computer screen

telling me the world.

but the bird sings

and breaks my trance

stops the snow

and re-writes the world

into something song

and laughter.

damn you bird

for being stronger than I.

you have taken my excuse

and given me

no place to hide.



Devin Sams

I suffer from poetry, being electric as a cat, and sighing like a depressed void.