Voices In My Head

Silence of a Man

A Free Verse Poem

Sam Aureli
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2023


Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

i find myself at a loss for words,
a rare occurrence, yet when it hits,
thoughts drip onto paper in incomplete
stanzas. has the english language suddenly
turned to gibberish? i wonder, should i wade
deeper into the pool of death, continue my
conversation with father time, or venture
further into the far and beyond and test
the limits of my imagination? what about
knocking on love’s door and seeing who
opens? no, not today. the pitter-patter
of rain on the skylight is uninspiring. even
the cat, aware of my state of mind, hides
in shame. perhaps there’s too much going
on up there, my mind a tangled mess
of neurons, the result of a tangled world.
there will be days when sense and sensibility
elude us, and that’s okay. tomorrow, the clouds
will clear, and the sun will shine bright on
a new day. and for that, I will be thankful.

