
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2024

I can’t believe

I let you touch me

and let your poison

get on me

I scrub and scrub

but i’m stained deep

my favorite t-shirt

my muddied jeans

everything caught up

and twisted between

what I thought was love

was only a dream


and even though

it was so long ago

it’s like I can still

feel you there

wrapping long fingers

through my lovely hair

lurking in shadows

when I think i’m alone

making love to strangers

and calling them home

I learned the worst

from you, you know

you taught me to shrink

and never to grow


now i’m just all broke inside

scared of you, myself,

and the secrets I hide

every day is a leap

towards whatever’s

bad for me

pill bottles empty

sheets unclean

phone calls from friends

I just let ring

and I can’t sleep

so maybe I’ll dream

my mind still finds you

that scar on your cheek


tired, I am so tired

and with you it was mania

kept me nice and wired

holes in the walls

3AM calls

unfair brawls

and mistaken falls

I still feel the dent in my chest

who needs sleep

when you don’t need rest?

who do you call

when you’ve been through it all

and it didn’t break you

so no one can save you

they’ll only blame you

and he’ll still take you

it’s so, so sick

the way I hate you


hate you like home

and being alone

hate you like love songs

and cheap cologne

hate you til my dying day

I can’t believe

you made me pray

that if I have a little girl

i’ll lock her away

from the outside world

and keep her happy

naive and nice

what happened to me

will not happen twice.




thoughts on living and loving and the chaos that happens in between.