step out of the cage

Franco Amati
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2021


Photo by Ed Hinchliffe on Unsplash

It’s a zoo, this internet. And there are fewer and fewer parts of it that allow the animals to be themselves. But one guarantee is that people will always be more true to themselves behind the private enclosure of a computer screen than they will be out in public. That’s life. That’s technology.

I guess that’s a difference between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. Out in public, in our natural environment, we act like tame creatures. Talking and behaving the way we think we should. Following the rules, pretending to be like other people. But in private, in the safety of the boxes we create for ourselves, we let loose, we become real.

Other animals only act docile when we put them in cages and force them share our boxes. Out there, they’re free and dangerous. But in domesticity they become soulless. Humans are the only creatures on the planet that lose their souls when they step out of the cage.



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit or buy me a coffee at